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*All e-Card donations over $2 are tax deductible. Upon purchase you will be issued with a receipt.
Special Occasion eCards
About the artist, Fleur Harris

Fleur is a beloved member of our Reef family, donating her artistry to raise awareness and valuable funds for the protection of our iconic Great Barrier Reef. Discover more of Fleur's beautiful designs at fleurharris.com
“I have fond memories of visiting Far North Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef as a child, and have been out on the Reef a number of times over the years. As a child I was captivated by its magic and it’s had my heart ever since. My concern about it has grown as my knowledge about the threats it faces have broadened and I’ve learnt about the critical role oceans play in the health of our entire ecosystem.”

How it works...

Want to send eCards in bulk?
Please contact us at supporters@barrierreef.org to make your donation and receive an eCard package to send to your database.
How are Great Barrier Reef Foundation gift cards sent?
In line with our sustainability commitment, we only offer digital gifts sent via email. Upon purchase, your gift will be sent to the recipient at your specifed time with your special personalised message included.
How will the funds from the gift be used?
Each type of gift is representative of one of the Foundation’s key projects. All funds are directed at projects with large-scale impact – helping coral reefs survive the impacts of climate change and key threats like rising water temperatures and poor water quality. By bringing together the world’s best minds across science, engineering, technology and conservation, this will accelerate and deploy the next generation of cutting-edge techniques to protect coral reefs around the world.
Are my gifts tax deductible?
Yes, all eCard gifts are considered a donation and are tax deductible. Upon purchase you will be sent your official tax receipt with a confirmation email of your gift.