Whitsundays Kayak Adventure

Explore our dedicated resources to promote your fundraising as part of our Whitsunday Kayak Adventure.

Social Tiles

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Make sure to tag us at @GreatBarrierReefFoundation and #lovethereef

Kayak Social Tile 1

Kayak Social Tile 1

Kayak Social Tile 2

Kayak Social Tile 2

Kayak Social Tile 3

Kayak Social Tile 3

Kayak Social Tile 4

Kayak Social Tile 4

Kayak Social Tile 5

Kayak Social Tile 5



Must credit: Gary Cranitch, Queensland Museum. 

Soft coral (sea fan)

Soft coral (sea fan)

Credit: Gary Cranitch, Queensland Museum



Credit: Gary Cranitch, Queensland Museum

Baby turtle

Baby turtle

Credit: Gary Cranitch, Queensland Museum

World Turtle Day Trivia

World Turtle Day Trivia


Social posts

Fresh Reef content to get your community, network and supporters fired up about the Reef and the need to secure its survival for many generations to come.

Social Tile - Support my adventure

Social Tile - Support my adventure


Drafted social media post - EOFY tax-deductible donation

I'm on the countdown to my Whitsundays Kayak Adventure with just over a month to go until I get paddling for the Reef. 

With end-of-financial-year fast approaching, there's never been a better time to make a tax-deductible donation to @GreatBarrierReefFoundation and support my adventure.

The Great Barrier Reef's future is on a knife-edge, but it's not to late to save it. 

To support innovative projects and research please donate to my Whitsundays Kayak Adventure page include link to fundraising page.

#lovethereef #teamreef

Social Tile - World Turtle Day

Social Tile - World Turtle Day


Drafted social media post - World Turtle Day, 23 May 2022:

Today is World Turtle Day 🐢. Did you know that 6 out of the 7 species of marine turtle call the Great Barrier Reef home?

I'm proud to be supporting the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation who is the leading the way to protect our shelled friends out on the Reef. 

Their reef-home is under serious threat from the impacts of climate change and we must act now to secure their survival. 

To support innovative projects and research to protect turtles who call the Reef home please donate to my Whitsundays Kayak Adventure page include link to fundraising page.

#worldturtleday #lovethereef #teamreef

Social Tile - World Oceans Day

Social Tile - World Oceans Day


Drafted social media post - World Oceans Day, 8 June 2022:

Today is World Oceans Day. Our ocean and planet needs healthy coral reefs to survive. Coral reefs:

🌎Provide 50% of the world’s oxygen  
🐢Support 30% of all marine life 
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Food and livelihoods to 850 million people worldwide 
🌀Protect our coasts from storm damage and erosion 
⛵Deliver ecosystem services valued at $1tn a year to local economies 
💙Have cultural and spiritual significance for First Nations Peoples dating back over 60,000 years 

This World Oceans Day I'm proud to be supporting the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation to protect this critical ecosystem and support healthy oceans. You too can support this work by making a donation today to my Whitsundays Kayak Adventure page include link to fundraising page.

📷: Gary Cranitch, Queeensland Museum

#oceanday #lovethereef #teamreef

Kayak Social Tile 5

Kayak Social Tile 5


Drafted social media post - Push Up challenge:

In June, I'll be taking on a 30-day push-up challenge to raise funds for the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation and get paddle-ready for their Whitsundays Kayak Adventure.

Not only will you contribute to the world-leading effort to protect one of the world's greatest natural wonders, but also to my suffering with every dollar I raise in June adding to my push-up total on the last day of the challenge.

So please dig deep and make a donation today include link to fundraising page.

#teamreef #lovethereef

Earth Day 1

Earth Day 1


Drafted social media post - Earth Day 2022:

The theme of Earth Day 2022; “Invest in Our Planet", is focused on accelerating solutions to combat our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone – governments, citizens, and businesses – to do their part. Everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable.

I'm proud to be contributing to the important work to protect one of the world's greatest natural wonders by supporting the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation this Earth Day. 

You can also be a part of this world-leading effort to adapt, restore and protect this critical ecosystem by making a donation today at include link to fundraising page.

#earthday #lovethereef

Social Tile - Heat Tolerant Corals

Social Tile - Heat Tolerant Corals


Drafted social media post - Heat Tolerant Corals:

The @GreatBarrierReefFoundation is looking to find the Reef’s most heat-tolerant corals and explore how they could be used to boost the Reef’s natural ability to cope with rising water temperatures.

Right now, scientists are measuring and enhancing the heat tolerance of corals in special aquariums, which could one day be deployed onto thr Reef to make it more resilient.

Find out how it's being done here: barrierreef.org/news/explainers/understanding-heat-tolerance-in-corals-great-barrier-reef 

I'm proud to be support this work through my participation in the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation Whitsundays Kayak Adventure. You can also support this work by donating today at include link to fundraising page.

📷 Antonio Rodriguez,


Social Tile - Coral Bleaching

Social Tile - Coral Bleaching


Drafted social media post - coral bleaching:

Reports of mass coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef are devastating to see and serve as a reminder that the impacts of climate change pose a serious threat to coral reefs.

The Reef’s survival is resting on a knife-edge, but this is not a time to lose hope. The @GreatBarrierReefFoundation are committed to finding and funding the most innovative solutions to buy the Reef time while the world works to reduce emissions. You can read more about their projects here: barrierreef.org/news/blog/coral-bleaching-its-not-too-late-to-save-the-great-barrier-reef

Please help me to support this important work to secure the future of the Reef for future generations. Donate today at include link to fundraising page.

#teamreef #lovethereef

Social Tile - 9,000 creatures

Social Tile - 9,000 creatures


Drafted social media post - 9,000 creatures:

Can you guess how many different species live on the Great Barrier Reef? The answer is a whopping 9,000 creatures, ranging from the tiniest marine insects to the biggest mammals on the planet.

The Reef is one of the most complex ecosystems in the world, home to 25% of all known marine species including:
✅600+ types of hard and soft corals
🐟1,625 species of fish
🐦215 species of birds
🦈133 varieties of sharks and rays
🐳30 species of whales and dolphins
🐢6 of the world's 7 species of marine turtle

This year I'm raising vital funds to protect vulnerable species and their Reef habitat by taking part in the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation Whitsunday Kayak Adventure. You can support me via the link below. Thank you so much for your support. 

#teamreef #lovethereef

Include link to fundraising page.

Social Tile - Whitsundays

Social Tile - Whitsundays


Drafted social media post - The iconic Whitsundays:

The iconic Whitsundays has just been voted one of the world's most loved destination for 2021. Known for its pristine beaches and crystal clear water, it's also a crucial habitiat for thousands of species such as turtles and manata rays, prividing a safe home for wildlife to rest, feed, shelter and breed.

But these islands and their connected reefs and ecosystems are being impacted by climate change and need our help to recover from more frequent severe weather events such as coral bleaching and cyclones. I'm proud to be contributing to the important work to protect this critical habitat by taking part in the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation Whitsunday Kayak Adventure. 

You can also be a part of this world-leading effort to adapt, restore and protect this critical ecosystem by donating to my page today!

#teamreef #lovethereef

Include link to fundraising page.

Social Tile - Global Recycling Day Whitsundays

Social Tile - Global Recycling Day Whitsundays


Drafted social media post - Global Recycling Day:

To mark Global Recycling Day on March 18, I'll be making a change for the Reef and committing to <CHOSEN EVERYDAY ACTION> every day this month. 

I would love if you can show me some support by making a donation to my Whitsunday Kayak Adventure page. 

Every small step we take together can make a BIG impact for the Reef. Your donation will fund @GreatBarrierReefFoundation projects that are vital to the survival of our Reef for many generations to come. 

 #teamreef #lovethereef

Include link to fundraising page.

Kayak Social Tile 4

Kayak Social Tile 4


Drafted social media post - Feb plank challenge:

With the Great Barrier Reef facing a growing number of challenges, I've decided to take on my own plank challenge in February to raise vital funds towards its conservation. 

Donate generously to contribute to my 'Last Planking Day' total with every $100 raised in February equalling an additional minute of planking pain on the last day of the challenge. 

Not only will you be contributing to my suffering 😏, but also to the amazing work of the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation who are dedicated to turning the tide on coral reef decline and ensuring the survival of our greatest natural wonder for many generations to come. 

 #teamreef #lovethereef

Include link to fundraising page.

Social Tile - Crown of thorns starfish

Social Tile - Crown of thorns starfish


Drafted social media post - Crown of thorns starfish:

Did you know...Crown-of-thorns starfish, or COTS for short, can eat up to 10 square metres of coral each a year, posing a significant threat to the Great Barrier Reef. While they’re a native species, outbreaks can strip a reef of 90% of living coral tissue.

The Reef is experiencing its fourth major COTS outbreak since the 1960s. The @GreatBarrierReefFoundation COTS Control Program is the largest intervention program happening right now on the Reef to protect coral reefs and the thousands of species of marine life that depend on them. Click here to read more about these spiky predators.

I'm proud to be raising vital funds to support Reef conservation projects like this by taking part in the Foundation's Whitsundays Kayak Adventure. Donate today to ensure our beautiful Reef doesn't disappear before our eyes. 

#teamreef #lovethereef

Include link to fundraising page.

Social Tile - Coral spawning

Social Tile - Coral spawning


Drated social media post - Coral spawning:

With only 10 years to secure the future of our Reef I’ve joined the @GreatBarrierReefFoundation Whitsunday Kayak Adventure to support projects dedicated to its preservation. 

Projects like coral restoration...the Reef is currently teeming with new life after the world’s biggest reproductive event - coral spawning.  This once-a-year event gives new hope to reefs damaged by climate change with scientists able to fast-track restoration efforts using healthy coral spawn. Click here to read more about the cutting-edge solutions being pioneered on the Reef.

Please donate today to contribute to this important work and turn the tide on coral reef decline.

#teamreef #lovethereef

Include link to fundraising page. 

Challenge Calendars

Feb Plank Challenge

Feb Plank Challenge

June Push Up Challenge

June Push Up Challenge


Newsletter Archive