Double the impact for the Reef

Matched Giving lets you choose to support an initiative that is best aligned to your people and purpose. Whether you choose to match dollar for dollar for one of our appeals, your own office fundraisers or workplace giving, your business can provide this powerful incentive to drive funds. Matching creates a sense of urgency providing extra motivation for supporters to take action for the cause they are passionate about.

Matching for good
- Double a campaign's capacity to fund cutting-edge solutions on the Reef.
- Improve brand recognition and loyalty with an alignment to environmental conservation
- Gain acess to new audiences.
- Motivate and empower your customers, staff and community to support a great cause.

Choose your idea
We can work with you on one of our existing campaigns or develop an idea to suit your business.
- Foundation Appeals
- Team Reef events
- Workplace Giving
- Office Challenges
- Customer activations

What we can offer
- Your business logo displayed on campaign websites.
- All EDM communications to donors including mention of your support.
- Promotion of your support on the Foundation social media channels
- Access to the Reef Resource Hub with assets, images, feature articles and impact statistics for your use.